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Remedies for relief without medication.

If you are simply just tired of jumping from pills to pills, this blog is for you .

I'm going to list out a few things I have observed over the past couple of years that has worked for me and I really hope that it does for you too. 

1. Binaural  beats.

This is something I recently became aware of and I am so happy to share it with you guys because its extremely helpful. 
Just like me, I'm sure most of y'all mustn't have heard of this concept before. Well, one can say that this is a mixture of therapy and meditation combined. It's helpful in a number of ways like for headache or migraine relief, neck pain,  anxiety, etc. 

You can either purchase it online or the easier way I found is Youtube. Use your earphones, that's the best way to concentrate. All you really need to do is sit back, relax  put on your earphones, and let the music do the work.  

I'm going to do a detailed blog about how exactly this works and list out my favourite beats as well.

2.  Share your moments. 

 I don't know about you, but when a headache attacked me I used to feel scared,  like giving up the second it started. And honestly by simply sharing your bad moments with someone can make you feel better. And who knows you might actually find  the right solutions for your headaches. It works, it helps. 

3. Ice or heat. 

  Using ice packs or heat are a great way to find some relief. Use whatever works for you at that moment. 
  The trick here is to calm down and to not think about anything else while doing this. It's difficult but you will get there with time.

These are just a few out of the many solutions, my next blog will consist of more information on  binaural beats.

Do let me know if any of these work for you and if you have anything else to add.


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